Thank you for visiting our site.
We hope that we will serve as a source of information about general topics and upcoming events,
as well as a source of networking among our Indiana West Point families.
As an active member of the West Point Parent Club of Indiana (WPPCI)
you will have the opportunity to support your Cadet, his/her classmates. and the Corps of Cadets.
You will also benefit from the experience and
support of other USMA Parents...and will provide that support to others.
Please join us!
For additional information, contact:
Emily and Matt Kaiser
WPPCI Presidents
Jen and Curt Trout
WPPCI Vice Presidents
Anne and Joseph Chaney
WPPCI Secretaries
Kenya and Steve Cobb
WPPCI Treasurers
To submit photos, news, or information for the website, contact:
Website Manager